Additional services

GO tank

GO tank

Enjoy quality and inexpensive refuelling

GO tank is a modern self-service petrol station close to GO parking. High-quality fuels Diesel, Natural 95 and 98 are supplied exclusively by ČEPRO. You can also top up AdBlue and washer fluid. CNG provided by Bonett is also available. GO tank is open to the public, operates non-stop and you can pay both in cash and by credit card.


Freely accessible

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GO servis

GO servis

Car washing and cleaning during your trip

Have your car cleaned during your trip – comfort and time-saving for you. Choose one of the packages for exterior and interior cleaning of your vehicle. If you select this service, your car will be parked in a covered space at no additional cost for the covered parking. Prices starting at 699 CZK.


from 699 CZK

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Cestovní pojištění

Cestovní pojištění

Získejte cestovní pojištění se zajímavou slevou

Získejte cestovní pojištění se slevou 15% pro sebe i celou rodinu

Výhody pro Vás:

  • Léčební výlohy včetně Covid-19 a karantény
  • Vysoký limit pojištěných zavazadel a osobních věcí
  • Storno v závažných případech bez spoluúčasti
  • Flexibilní rosah krytých rizik
  • Odpovědnost za škodu ve všech variantách


Colonnade Insurance S.A.

Na Pankráci 1683/127, 140 00 Praha 4

Freely accessible

Click2Claim Travel Asistent

Discounted assistance service

The Click2Claim partner company will secure for you a possible financial compensation of up to € 600 in the event of an irregularity on your flight. With the purchase you will get a comprehensive service for the recovery of financial compensation, online access to information about your case, the most cost-effective offer (commission only xxx % incl. VAT) and the possibility to use the 24/7 assistance info line in case of flight problems. Price 49 CZK / 1 person.

89 CZK